Traditional veterinary medicine, much like in the human world, is often based on treating symptoms rather than the cause, or the underlying problem. Alternative horse therapies, on the other hand, are ancient forms of treatment that take a holistic approach to the whole body, mind, and spirit of the horse, to treat the underlying causes of problems manifesting in the body, and promote an overall sense of well being. There are many types of alternative horse therapy treatments used to treat a large range of problems that your horse may be experiencing. It is recommended that alternative treatments be used regularly as a preventative treatment, rather than having to use them as a treatment after damage has been done. Below are some of the most commonly practiced alternative therapies for equine treatment, and well being.
Acupuncture Acupuncture, as an alternative therapy, which uses tiny needles inserted into meridians, or certain parts of the horse body, to maintain the horses balance, as well as promote good overall health. The examination and treatment requires close observation of the horse to identify the points of the body that need the treatment. Chiropractic Therapy Chiropractic treatments also need close observation of the horse, after a close observation the horse body is then manipulated to improve the flexibility of the horses spine, and joints. Horse chiropractic therapy is much the same as human chiropractic therapy and can increase the performance of a horse by moving joints into place to assist with overall performance.
Body Work Bodywork is the term used for massage therapy, which treats soreness in the horse muscles. Unlike chiropractic therapy; bodywork concentrates on the horses muscles, rather than joints. This therapy is used to promote efficient movement by taking away the soreness in the horse muscles.
Homeopathy Using naturally occurring substances diluted down to minute particles are the basics of homeopathy medicine. This therapy is used for treating diseases in a horse body. Homeopathy is an ancient Chinese form of medicine, which has been used successfully with horses and humans alike to treat a large range of diseases, and illnesses. Homeopathy is usually used along with other alternative therapies, such as chiropractic, bodywork, and acupuncture. Aromatherapy Aromatherapy uses fragrances that can affect the mood of a horse, assist in healing, and promote a sense of wellness.
Aromatherapy is often used alongside herbs in a horse diet, to reduce irritation of the digestive tract, for better overall health, and well being. Other Physical Therapies There are many physical therapies being introduced to treat pain in horse tissues, and bones. Some of these therapies are known as magnetic therapy, laser therapies, electrical stimulation, and ultrasound, and are often used by veterinarians. In most cases, the horse body can heal itself without medicines, synthetic, or alternative.
But when natural therapies are used, they provide quicker healing times, and a feeling of overall well being, which will put the horses body into the healing mode faster, and possibly reduce healing times considerably.
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